SCHAKO – Your experts for ventilation and air-conditioning in commercial and public buildings – a company in the SCHAKO Group
The air-conditioning experts who can fill rooms with draught-free air at just the right temperature, regulate air volumes, reduce noise and prevent the propagation of fire and smoke from one fire compartment to another.
The entire range of SCHAKO developments and products aims to produce clean and healthy air for all the different worlds of work. Our ventilation technology components, e.g. air diffusers, aerosol filter diffusers, ventilation grilles, control units, the wing and tubular sound insulators, air-water systems and bespoke system solutions used for sound insulation all help to ensure that people in these interior spaces remain fit and able to perform effectively. Furthermore, our fire dampers, smoke extraction flaps and smoke detectors can help to protect assets and to save lives in the event of a fire.
Product quality and the related control unit constitute the central decision-making criteria in relation to fire protection and smoke extraction. We also cover your needs in terms of bespoke system solutions.
In short – 90 years of working to create good air have made us into the leading specialist for bespoke solutions in the HVAC sector for buildings used commercially or by the general public.
Typical fields of application include:
- HVAC equipment and technical building facilities ranging from shopping centres to hotels, office buildings, hospitals, cinemas & theatres, trade fairs, sports arenas, municipal meeting halls, industrial buildings, schools, laboratories, recording studios, museums, underground garages.
- In addition, we also cater for specialist applications such as areas at risk of explosion – ATEX (chemicals and pharmaceuticals industry) for which SCHAKO fields the most comprehensive range of volumetric flow controllers on the market.