Keyvisual Fair

Product information on innovations in the field of
fire protection for ISH 2023

Fire damper BKE


The SCHAKO BKE fire damper is a systematic, innovative new development into which our decades of experience and practical expertise have flowed. The BKE is characterised by the largest possible free cross-sections and enclosed drive unit located on the exterior.

You can find more information in our flyer – fire damper BKE

Product information on innovations in the field of
Bus and control systems for ISH 2023

Bus system for air quality, energy efficiency and safety – EasyBus

SCHAKO EasyBus- ISH 2023

The SCHAKO EasyBus system is used for need-based and energy-efficient control of ventilation systems. It is also used to control and monitor fire dampers.

You can find more information in our flyer – Bus system EasyBus

Product information in the field of smoke extraction for ISH 2023

Smoke detection system RMSII-L


An important component for EasyBus is the SCHAKO RMSII-L smoke detection system: it features easy cleaning and mounting. The smoke detector requires no detection chamber for measuring, which is an advantage, because deposits can only accumulate on the cover plate. It can easily be removed without dismounting the RMSII-L. The RMS remains in use during the given maintenance intervals and saves considerable costs.

The RMSII-L smoke detection system from SCHAKO is unrestrictedly available. Please find additional information on the product page of RMSL – smoke detection system RMS