Management systems
Quality management certified according to ISO 9001
SCHAKO is synonymous in the industry for high quality products, optimal system solutions and perfect service. This enabled us to achieve a top position on the market, one which we will continue to expand.
Meticulous planning, absolute process safety, documented specialised knowledge and clear transparency in all fields – that is how we operate the SCHAKO quality management. There is tolerance of coincidences. All processes at all locations and in all sales organisations are optimised consistently: in development, design, production, sales, logistics and service.
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 – certificate | EN – valid until 11.12.2026
Environment management certified according to ISO 14001
SCHAKO supplies product and system solutions which comply with the highest environmental standards. We regularly check whether all raw materials, all processes and all services provided meet this standard.
Whatever we can improve at SCHAKO in terms of environmental protection, we do. We want to act responsibly with all resources at SCHAKO.
DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 – Certificate | DE – EN – FR – valid until 25.01.2025
Energy management certified according to EDL-G or DIN EN 16247-1
SCHAKO continuously optimises materials and production processes in order to reduce waste production and energy consumption to a minimum. At SCHAKO we feel committed to managing the resources sustainably and, thus, preserve the livelihood for future generations.
Field of application of the plants
The certificates indicate the field of application of the plants. If you want to receive further information regarding our management system, please send us your information request under: